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Create a customer #

This section details how to create a new Customer. It is important to prompt your users to provide their full name as it appears on a US government issued identification card. This will help ensure a straight-through processing approach. If errors occur in name or date of birth, where you may be prompted for such information, additional manual steps are required, which may add processing time that impedes their experience or may even result in additional cost to you.

To create Receive-only Users, you'll provide the customer's full name and email address, type with the value of receive-only, and businessName if applicable. Must be a US person.

To create Unverified Customers, you will only need to provide the customer's full name and email address, as well as a businessName if applicable. Must be a US person.

To create Verified Customers, Dwolla will require additional information to confirm the identity of the individual or business. Must be a US person. Verified Customers can include type business or personal. For businesses, Dwolla will need to verify information about both the business and the controller for that business. Dwolla does not identity verify the Account Admin. The controller may be a non-US person.

HTTP request #


HTTP status and error codes #

HTTP StatusCodeDescription
201CreatedCustomer created.
400BadRequestThe request body contains bad syntax or is incomplete.
400ValidationErrorReference the errors section for list of possible _embedded validation errors.
403ForbiddenNot authorized to create customers.
404NotFoundCustomer not found.

Receive-only User - Request parameters #

firstNameyesstringCustomer's first name. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
lastNameyesstringCustomer's last name. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
emailyesstringCustomer's email address. Must be a valid email format (e.g.,
typeyesstringValue of receive-only.
businessNamenostringCustomer's registered business name. (Optional if not a business entity, though if a business name is supplied, it must be ≤ 255 characters and cannot include special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].)
ipAddressnostringCustomer's IP address.
correlationIdnostringA unique string value attached to a customer which can be used for traceability between Dwolla and your application.
Must be ≤ 255 characters and contain no spaces.
Acceptable characters: a-z, 0-9, -, ., and _.
Note: Do not use sensitive Personal Identifying Information (PII). Uniqueness is enforced across Customers.
Request and response - receive-only User
Content-Type: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json
Accept: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json
Authorization: Bearer pBA9fVDBEyYZCEsLf/wKehyh1RTpzjUj5KzIRfDi0wKTii7DqY

  "firstName": "Jane",
  "lastName": "Merchant",
  "email": "",
  "type": "receive-only",
  "businessName": "Jane Corp llc",
  "ipAddress": ""

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Unverified Customer - Request parameters #

firstNameyesstringCustomer's first name. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
lastNameyesstringCustomer's last name. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
emailyesstringCustomer's email address. Must be a valid email format (e.g.,
businessNamenostringCustomer's registered business name. (Optional if not a business entity, though if a business name is supplied, it must be ≤ 255 characters and cannot include special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].)
ipAddressnostringCustomer's IP address.
correlationIdnostringA unique string value attached to a customer which can be used for traceability between Dwolla and your application.
Must be ≤ 255 characters and contain no spaces.
Acceptable characters: a-z, 0-9, -, ., and _.
Note: Do not use sensitive Personal Identifying Information (PII). Uniqueness is enforced across Customers.
Request and response - unverified Customer
Content-Type: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json
Accept: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json
Authorization: Bearer pBA9fVDBEyYZCEsLf/wKehyh1RTpzjUj5KzIRfDi0wKTii7DqY

  "firstName": "Jane",
  "lastName": "Merchant",
  "email": "",
  "ipAddress": "",
  "businessName": "Jane Merchant's Business"

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Verified personal Customer - Request parameters #

For an in-depth look at personal verified Customers creation and status handling, refer to our developer guide.

firstNameyesstringAn individual Customer's first name. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
lastNameyesstringAn individual Customer's last name. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
emailyesstringCustomer's email address. Must be a valid email format (e.g.,
ipAddressnostringCustomer's IP address.
typeyesstringThe Verified Customer type. Set to personal if creating a verified personal Customer.
address1yesstringFirst line of the street address of the Customer's permanent residence. Must be ≤ 50 characters, contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\], and cannot be a PO Box.
address2nostringSecond line of the street address of the Customer's permanent residence. Must be ≤ 50 characters, contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\], and cannot be a PO Box.
cityyesstringCity of Customer's permanent residence. Must be ≤ 50 characters and cannot contain numbers or special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
stateyesstringTwo-letter abbreviation of the state in which the Customer resides, e.g., CA. Must be a valid U.S. state.
postalCodeyesstringPostal code of Customer's permanent residence. Must be a US 5-digit ZIP code (e.g., 50314) or ZIP+4 (e.g., 50314-1234).
dateOfBirthyesstringCustomer's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format. Must be between 18 to 125 years old at the time of submission.
ssnyesstringLast four or full 9 digits of the Customer's Social Security Number. Must contain only numbers (e.g., 1234 or 123456789).
phonenostringCustomer's 10-digit phone number. Must contain only numbers, no hyphens, spaces, or separators (e.g., 3334447777).
correlationIdnostringA unique string value attached to a customer which can be used for traceability between Dwolla and your application.
Must be ≤ 255 characters and contain no spaces.
Acceptable characters: a-z, 0-9, -, ., and _.
Note: Do not use sensitive Personal Identifying Information (PII). Uniqueness is enforced across Customers.
Request and response - verified personal Customer
Content-Type: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json
Accept: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json
Authorization: Bearer pBA9fVDBEyYZCEsLf/wKehyh1RTpzjUj5KzIRfDi0wKTii7DqY

  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "email": "",
  "ipAddress": "",
  "type": "personal",
  "address1": "99-99 33rd St",
  "city": "Some City",
  "state": "NY",
  "postalCode": "11101",
  "dateOfBirth": "1970-01-01",
  "ssn": "1234"

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Verified business Customer (sole proprietorship only) - Request parameters #

For an in-depth look at business verified Customers creation and status handling, refer to our developer guide. Dwolla will verify the identity of both the Business Owner and the Business entity.

firstNameyesstringThe legal first name of the business owner. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
lastNameyesstringThe legal last name of the business owner. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
emailyesstringEmail address of the business owner. Must be a valid email format (e.g.,
ipAddressnostringIP address of the registering user is recommended.
typeyesstringValue of: business.
dateOfBirthyesstringThe date of birth of the business owner. Must be in YYYY-MM-DD format and be between 18 to 125 years old.
ssnyesstringLast four or full 9 digits of the business owner's Social Security Number. Must contain only numbers (e.g., 1234 or 123456789).
address1yesstringStreet number, street name of business’ physical address. Must be ≤ 50 characters, contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\], and cannot be a PO Box.
address2nostringApartment, floor, suite, bldg. # of business’ physical address. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
cityyesstringCity of business’ physical address. Must be ≤ 50 characters and cannot contain numbers or special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
stateyesstringTwo-letter US state or territory abbreviation code of business’ physical address. Must be uppercase (e.g., CA). Must be a valid U.S. state or territory abbreviation. For two-letter abbreviation reference, check out the US Postal Service guide.
postalCodeyesstringBusiness’ US 5-digit ZIP code (e.g., 50314) or ZIP+4 (e.g., 50314-1234).
businessNameyesstringRegistered business name. Must be ≤ 255 characters and cannot include special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
doingBusinessAsnostringPreferred business name -- also known as fictitious name, or assumed name.
businessTypeyesstringBusiness structure. Value of soleProprietorship.
businessClassificationyesstringThe industry classification Id that corresponds to the Customer’s business. Reference the Business Classifications section to learn how to generate this Id.
einnostringEmployer Identification Number (optional for soleProprietorship business Customers).
websitenostringBusiness’ website. e.g.
phonenostringBusiness's 10-digit phone number. Must contain only numbers, no hyphens, spaces, or separators (e.g., 3334447777).
correlationIdnostringA unique string value attached to a customer which can be used for traceability between Dwolla and your application, like a UUID.
Must be ≤ 255 characters and contain no spaces.
Acceptable characters: a-z, 0-9, -, ., and _.
Note: Do not use sensitive Personal Identifying Information (PII). Uniqueness is enforced across Customers.
Request and response - verified business Customer (sole proprietorship only)
Content-Type: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json
Accept: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json
Authorization: Bearer 0Sn0W6kzNic+oWhDbQcVSKLRUpGjIdl/YyrHqrDDoRnQwE7Q

    "firstName": "Business",
    "lastName": "Owner",
    "email": "",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "type": "business",
    "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-31",
    "ssn": "6789",
    "address1": "99-99 33rd St",
    "city": "Some City",
    "state": "NY",
    "postalCode": "11101",
    "businessClassification": "9ed3f670-7d6f-11e3-b1ce-5404a6144203",
    "businessType": "soleProprietorship",
    "businessName":"Jane Corp",

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Verified business Customer (businessType=llc, corporation or partnership) - Request parameters #

For an in-depth look at business verified Customers creation and status handling, refer to our developer guide. A verified business Customer must input information on the controller and the Business entity for Dwolla. Dwolla will verify the identity of both the Controller and the Business Entity.

firstNameyesstringThe legal first name of the Account Admin or business owner signing up the business verified Customer. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
lastNameyesstringThe legal last name of the Account Admin or individual signing up the business verified Customer. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
emailyesstringEmail address of the individual creating and managing the Customer account. Must be a valid email format (e.g.,
ipAddressnostringIP address of the registering user is recommended.
typeyesstringValue of: business.
address1yesstringStreet number, street name of business’ physical address. Must be ≤ 50 characters, contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\], and cannot be a PO Box.
address2nostringApartment, floor, suite, bldg. # of business’ physical address. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
cityyesstringCity of business’ physical address. Must be ≤ 50 characters and cannot contain numbers or special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
stateyesstringTwo-letter US state or territory abbreviation code of business’ physical address. Must be uppercase (e.g., CA). Must be a valid U.S. state or territory abbreviation. For two-letter abbreviation reference, check out the US Postal Service guide.
postalCodeyesstringBusiness’ US 5-digit ZIP code (e.g., 50314) or ZIP+4 (e.g., 50314-1234).
businessNameyesstringRegistered business name. Must be ≤ 255 characters and cannot include special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
doingBusinessAsnostringPreferred business name – also known as fictitious name, or assumed name. Must be ≤ 255 characters and cannot include special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
businessTypeyesstringBusiness structure. Must be one of the following values: corporation, llc, or partnership.
businessClassificationyesstringThe industry classification Id that corresponds to the Customer’s business. Reference the Business Classifications section to learn how to generate this Id.
einyesstringEmployer Identification Number (EIN). Must contain only numbers and be 9 digits long (e.g., 123456789).
websitenostringBusiness’ website. e.g., Must be a valid URL format.
phonenostringBusiness's 10-digit phone number. Must contain only numbers, no hyphens, spaces, or separators (e.g., 3334447777).
controllerconditionalobjectA controller JSON object. Required for businesses that are not sole proprietorships.
correlationIdnostringA unique string value attached to a customer which can be used for traceability between Dwolla and your application, like a UUID.
Must be ≤ 255 characters and contain no spaces.
Acceptable characters: a-z, 0-9, -, ., and _.
Note: Do not use sensitive Personal Identifying Information (PII). Uniqueness is enforced across Customers.

Controller JSON object #

A controller is any natural individual who holds significant responsibilities to control, manage, or direct a company or other corporate entity (i.e. CEO, CFO, General Partner, President, etc). A company may have more than one controller, but only one controller’s information must be collected. A controller may be a non-US person.

firstNameyesstringThe legal first name of the controller. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
lastNameyesstringThe legal last name of the controller. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
titleyesstringJob title of the business verified Customer’s controller (e.g., Chief Financial Officer). Must be ≤ 100 characters and cannot contain special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
dateOfBirthyesstringThe date of birth of the controller. Must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD and correspond to an individual between 18 and 125 years old.
ssnconditionalstringLast four or full 9 digits of the controller’s Social Security Number (SSN).
Required for U.S. persons.
If SSN is omitted, a passport JSON object must be provided.
addressyesobjectA full address JSON object.
Must be a valid U.S. or international physical address.
passportconditionalobjectA passport JSON object.
Required for non-U.S. persons.
Must include Passport Identification Number and Country.
If omitted, an SSN is required.

Controller address JSON object #

address1yesstringStreet number, street name of the controller’s physical address.
Note: PO Boxes are not allowed. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
address2nostringApartment, floor, suite, bldg. # of the controller’s physical address.
Note: PO Boxes are not allowed. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
address3nostringThird line of the street address of the controller's physical address.
Note: PO Boxes are not allowed. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
cityyesstringCity of the controller’s physical address. Must be ≤ 50 characters and cannot contain numbers or special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
stateProvinceRegionyesstringUS persons - Two-letter US state abbreviation code of the controller’s physical address. See the US Postal Service guide.
Non-US persons - Two-letter state, province, or region ISO abbreviation of the controller’s address. See the ISO guide.
Note: If a country does not have a two-letter abbreviation for a state/province, use two-letter ISO country code instead.
Must be uppercase (e.g., CA).
postalCodeconditionalstringUS persons - Must provide a 5-digit ZIP code (e.g., 12345) or ZIP+4 (e.g., 12345-6789).
Non-US persons - Optional. Can include alphanumeric postal codes where applicable.
countryyesstringCountry of the controller’s physical address. Must be a two-letter ISO country code (e.g., US for United States, CA for Canada). Reference the ISO country codes list.

Controller passport JSON object #

A controller will only need to input passport information if they are non-US persons and do not have a Social Security Number.

numberconditionalstringRequired if the controller is a non-US person and does not have a Social Security Number (SSN).
Must be ≤ 255 characters.
countryconditionalstringCountry where the passport was issued.
Must be a two-letter ISO country code (e.g., GB for United Kingdom, IN for India).
Request and response - Verified Business Customer (businessType= llc, corporation or partnership)
Content-Type: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json
Accept: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json
Authorization: Bearer 0Sn0W6kzNic+oWhDbQcVSKLRUpGjIdl/YyrHqrDDoRnQwE7Q

    "firstName": "Account",
    "lastName": "Admin",
    "email": "",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "type": "business",
    "address1": "99-99 33rd St",
    "city": "Some City",
    "state": "NY",
    "postalCode": "11101",
    "controller": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Controller",
        "title": "CEO",
        "ssn": "6789",
        "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-31",
        "address": {
            "address1": "1749 18th st",
            "address2": "apt 12",
            "city": "Des Moines",
            "stateProvinceRegion": "IA",
            "postalCode": "50266",
            "country": "US"
    "businessClassification": "9ed3f670-7d6f-11e3-b1ce-5404a6144203",
    "businessType": "llc",
    "businessName":"Jane Corp",

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
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All funds transfers made using the Dwolla Platform are performed by a financial institution partner, and any funds held in a Dwolla Balance are held by a financial institution partner. Learn more about our financial institution partners.