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Update a customer #

This endpoint can be used to facilitate the following use cases: Update Customer information, upgrade an unverified Customer to a verified Customer, suspend a Customer, deactivate a Customer, reactivate a Customer, and update a verified Customer's information to retry verification.

HTTP request #


Update a Customer's information #

A limited set of information can be updated on an existing created Customer. Note: A Customer's information cannot be updated when in a status of document or suspended.

Request parameters - unverified Customer and receive-only User
firstNamenostringCustomer's first name. Must be ≤ 50 characters and cannot contain special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
lastNamenostringCustomer's last name. Must be ≤ 50 characters and cannot contain special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
emailnostringCustomer's email address. Must be a valid email format, e.g.,
businessNamenostringCustomer's registered business name. Must be ≤ 255 characters and cannot contain special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\]. An empty string value will unset this field.
Request parameters - verified Customer
emailnostringCustomer's email address. Must be a valid email format, e.g.,
ipAddressnostringCustomer's IP address.
address1nostringFirst line of the street address of the customer's permanent residence. Note: PO Boxes are not allowed. Must be ≤ 50 characters and cannot contain special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
address2nostringSecond line of the street address of the customer's permanent residence. Note: PO Boxes are not allowed. Must be ≤ 50 characters and cannot contain special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
citynostringCity of customer's permanent residence. Must be ≤ 50 characters and cannot contain special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
statenostringTwo letter abbreviation of the state in which the customer resides. e.g. NY.
postalCodenostringPostal code of customer's permanent residence. Should be a five-digit postal code, e.g. 50314.
phonenostringCustomer's 10-digit phone number. No hyphens or other separators, e.g. 3334447777. Must be 10 digits and cannot contain special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
Request parameters - verified Customer with type=business

In addition to the table above, business verified Customers can update the following fields.

doingBusinessAsnostringName that is different from the officially registered name of Customer’s business. Must be ≤ 255 characters and cannot contain special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
websitenostringMust be a valid URL format with protocol, subdomain, domain, and top-level domain. e.g.

Upgrade an unverified Customer to verified Customer #

An unverified Customer can be upgraded to a verified Customer by supplying the necessary information required to create a verified Customer. Reference the create customer section for required information.

Suspend a Customer #

Unverified and Verified Customers can be suspended by specifying a status of suspended in your request. You'll need to contact Dwolla to unsuspend a Customer.

Request parameters
statusyesstringValue of suspended.

Deactivate a Customer #

Customers can be deactivated by specifying a status of deactivated in your request. A Customer cannot be deactivated if the Customer has a suspended verification status. Customers can be systematically deactivated by Dwolla if certain ACH return codes are triggered on bank transfer failures.

Request parameters
statusyesstringValue of deactivated.

Reactivate a Customer #

Customers can be reactivated by specifying a status of reactivated in your request. Reactivated Customers will be moved to the status they were in prior to being deactivated.

Request parameters
statusyesstringValue of reactivated.

Retry verification #

If the verified Customer has a status of retry, some information may have been miskeyed. You have one more opportunity to correct any mistakes using this endpoint. This time, you’ll need to provide the Customer’s full SSN. If the additional attempt fails, the resulting status will be either document or suspended.

Customer must be in the retry state:
    "_links": {
        "deactivate": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json",
            "resource-type": "customer"
        "self": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json",
            "resource-type": "customer"
        "edit-form": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json; profile=\"\"",
            "resource-type": "customer"
        "edit": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json",
            "resource-type": "customer"
        "funding-sources": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json",
            "resource-type": "funding-source"
        "retry-verification": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json",
            "resource-type": "customer"
        "transfers": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json",
            "resource-type": "transfer"
    "id": "53863b11-1758-47c8-821f-00e6a126f97f",
    "firstName": "retry",
    "lastName": "doe",
    "email": "",
    "type": "personal",
    "status": "retry",
    "created": "2017-11-06T20:11:13.430Z",
    "address1": "99-99 33rd St",
    "city": "Some City",
    "state": "NY",
    "postalCode": "11101"

Request and response #

This example goes through retry verification for a Personal Verified Customer.

Content-Type: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json
Accept: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json
Authorization: Bearer pBA9fVDBEyYZCEsLf/wKehyh1RTpzjUj5KzIRfDi0wKTii7DqY

  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "email": "",
  "ipAddress": "",
  "type": "personal",
  "address1": "221 Corrected Address St.",
  "address2": "Apt 201",
  "city": "San Francisco",
  "state": "CA",
  "postalCode": "94104",
  "dateOfBirth": "1970-07-11",
  "ssn": "123-45-6789"


    "_links": {
        "deactivate": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json",
            "resource-type": "customer"
        "self": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json",
            "resource-type": "customer"
        "receive": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json",
            "resource-type": "transfer"
        "edit-form": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json; profile=\"\"",
            "resource-type": "customer"
        "edit": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json",
            "resource-type": "customer"
        "funding-sources": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json",
            "resource-type": "funding-source"
        "transfers": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json",
            "resource-type": "transfer"
        "send": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json",
            "resource-type": "transfer"
    "id": "53863b11-1758-47c8-821f-00e6a126f97f",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "email": "",
    "type": "personal",
    "status": "verified",
    "created": "2017-11-06T20:11:13.430Z",
    "address1": "221 Corrected Address St.",
    "address2": "Apt 201",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postalCode": "94104"
If you try more than once, or Customer is not in retry state:
  "code": "InvalidResourceState",
  "message": "Resource cannot be modified."

Request parameters - retry verified personal Customer #

firstNameyesstringCustomer's first name. Must be ≤ 50 characters and cannot contain special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
lastNameyesstringCustomer's last name. Must be ≤ 50 characters and cannot contain special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
emailyesstringCustomer's email address. Must be a valid email format, e.g.,
ipAddressnostringCustomer's IP address.
typeyesstringEither personal or business. If business, see above for additional required information.
address1yesstringFirst line of the street address of the Customer's permanent residence. Note: PO Boxes are not allowed. Must be ≤ 50 characters and cannot contain special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
address2nostringSecond line of the street address of the Customer's permanent residence. Note: PO Boxes are not allowed. Must be ≤ 50 characters and cannot contain special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
cityyesstringCity of Customer's permanent residence. Must be ≤ 50 characters and cannot contain special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\].
stateyesstringTwo letter abbreviation of the state in which the customer resides, e.g. CA. Must be uppercase.
postalCodeyesstringPostal code of Customer's permanent residence. Should be a five digit postal code, e.g. 50314.
dateOfBirthyesstringCustomer's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format. Must be between 18 to 125 years of age.
ssnyesstringCustomer's full Social Security Number. Must contain only numbers (e.g., 123456789).
phonenostringCustomer's 10 digit phone number. No hyphens or other separators, e.g. 3334447777.

HTTP status and error codes #

HTTP StatusMessage
400Duplicate customer or validation error.
403Not authorized to create customers.
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