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List and search customers #

This section outlines how to retrieve your list of created Customers. This endpoint contains optional query string parameters allowing you to filter by email and status, as well as search on key fields such as firstName, lastName, and businessName.

HTTP Request #


Pagination #

By default, an embedded list of 25 customers are returned and are sorted by created timestamp. To page through the remaining list, you’ll specify a combination of limit and offset as query string parameters. Limit can have a max value of 200 customer objects. It is recommended to use the _links object in the response which includes the following relational links for paging. Check out the Links section for more information.

  • next includes the URL to list the next set of Customers as defined by Limit
  • prev includes the URL to list the previous set of Customers as defined by Limit
  • first includes the URL to list the first set of Customers as defined by Limit
  • last includes the URL to list the last set of Customers as defined by Limit
  • self link indicates the URL of the resource itself
Example HTTP Request


Searching and filtering Customers #

The search query string parameter contains a fuzzy search query across firstName, lastName, businessName, and email fields. Scoring is performed on the search term which looks for approximate spellings that match the entered search string and results are returned accordingly in an embedded customers array. Note: For exact match on email string value, the email filter should be used.

The email query string parameter is a filter that returns an embedded customers array based on an exact match of the filter value. For example, if you would like to search for a Customer with the email address, you can append the additional parameter email to the request URL as shown in the example HTTP request below. Note: The email filter string value must be URL-encoded.

The status query string parameter can be used to list an embedded customers array based on the status field. For example, if you would like to list all Customers that are in document status, you can append the additional parameter status to the request URL with the value "document". Check out all possible values listed in the table below.

Example Request URL using email filter


Example Request URL using search


Example Request URL using status filter


Request parameters #

limitnointegerHow many results to return.
offsetnointegerHow many results to skip.
searchnostringSearches on firstName, lastName, and email fields. Note: Value must be URL encoded. (/customers?search=Doe)
emailnostringFilter by email field. Note: Value must be URL encoded. (`/customers?
statusnostringFilter by Customer status or multiple Customer statuses. Possible values: unverified, retry, kba, document, verified, suspended, or deactivated. (e.g. /customers?status=retry&status=document)

Request and response #

Accept: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json
Authorization: Bearer pBA9fVDBEyYZCEsLf/wKehyh1RTpzjUj5KzIRfDi0wKTii7DqY

  "_links": {
    "first": {
      "href": ""
    "last": {
      "href": ""
    "self": {
      "href": ""
  "_embedded": {
    "customers": [
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": ""
        "id": "07d59716-ef22-4fe6-98e8-f3190233dfb8",
        "firstName": "Jane",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "email": "",
        "type": "unverified",
        "status": "unverified",
        "created": "2015-09-03T23:56:10.023Z"
  "total": 1
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