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Create a document for a customer #

To verify an individual or business identity, please upload a clear, colored image captured with a camera of a government-issued identification document. Reference the table below for the list of acceptable documents.

Here's what you need to know about uploading a document:

  • Multipart Form-Data POST Request: You'll need to use a multipart form-data POST request to upload your document. This is a specific type of HTTP request used for file uploads.
  • Supported File Formats: The uploaded file must be a color image in one of these formats: JPG, JPEG, or PNG. Business Documents in PDF format are accepted for verification purposes.
  • File Size Limit: The file size cannot exceed 10MB.

Acceptable documents #

Customer typeAcceptable documents
Personal Verified Customerpassport, license, or idCard. Must be a colored camera captured image of a U.S. government-issued identification. Foreign passports will be rejected with ForeignPassportNotAllowed if uploaded for this customer type.
Business Verified CustomerController documents - passport, license, or idCard.
  • If license or idCard, must be a colored camera captured image of a U.S. government-issued identification.
  • If passport, U.S. as well as foreign passports are accepted for business Controllers and Beneficial Owners.
Business documents - other. Refer to our guide on Handling Document status for Business Verified Customers for acceptable documents.

HTTP request #


Request Parameters #

Form FieldDescription
documentTypeAcceptable values of: passport, license, idCard, or other. Refer to the acceptable documents section for more information on how these document types apply to each Customer type.
fileFile contents.

HTTP status and error codes #

HTTP StatusCodeDescription
201CreatedA document resource was created.
400maximumNumberOfResourcesMax of four files upload allowed. Please wait for Dwolla to manually check the documents.
400invalidFileTypeFile types supported:
Personal IDs - .jpg, .jpeg or .png.
Business Documents - .jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .pdf.
400DuplicateResourceDocument already exists. Follow the link to find the existing document for the Customer.
403invalidResourceStateResource cannot be modified. Document creation not allowed for already verified Customers or non-verified Customer types.
403notAuthorizedNot authorized to create documents.
404notFoundCustomer not found. Check CustomerId.
413fileTooLargeDocument requests are limited to 10 MiB.

Request and response #

curl -X POST
\ -H "Authorization: Bearer tJlyMNW6e3QVbzHjeJ9JvAPsRglFjwnba4NdfCzsYJm7XbckcR"
\ -H "Accept: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json"
\ -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
\ -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW"
\ -F "documentType=passport"
\ -F "file=@foo.png"
\ ''


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
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