This section details how to create a new beneficial owner. To create beneficial owners
, you need to collect the beneficial owner's full name, ssn, date of birth, and permanent address. Optionally, passport information must be included for non-US persons that do not have a US issued SSN. Beneficial owners
require additional information that will give Dwolla the ability to confirm the identity of the individual.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
firstName | yes | string | The legal first name of the beneficial owner. Must be ≤ 50 characters and cannot contain special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\] . |
lastName | yes | string | The legal last name of the beneficial owner. Must be ≤ 50 characters and cannot contain special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\] . |
ssn | conditional | string | Full nine digits of the beneficial owner’s social security number. If SSN is omitted, passport is required. |
dateOfBirth | yes | string | Beneficial owner’s date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format. Must be between 18 to 125 years of age. |
address | yes | object | An address JSON object. Full address of the beneficial owner's physical address. |
passport | conditional | object | An optional passport JSON object. Required for non-US persons. Includes passport identification number and country. If passport is omitted, SSN is required. |
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
address1 | yes | string | First line of the street address of the Beneficial Owner's permanent residence. PO Boxes are not allowed. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\] . |
address2 | no | string | Second line of the street address. PO Boxes are not allowed. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\] . |
address3 | no | string | Third line of the street address. PO Boxes are not allowed. Must be ≤ 50 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\] . |
city | yes | string | City of the Beneficial Owner's permanent residence. Must be ≤ 50 characters. Cannot contain numbers or special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\] . |
stateProvinceRegion | yes | string | US persons - Two-letter US state abbreviation of the Beneficial Owner's physical address. See the US Postal Service guide. Non-US persons - Two-letter state, province, or region ISO abbreviation. If no two-letter abbreviation exists, use the country’s ISO 2-letter abbreviation. Must be uppercase (e.g., CA ). |
country | yes | string | Country of the Beneficial Owner's permanent residence. Two-digit ISO country code (e.g., US for United States, CA for Canada). See the ISO country codes list. |
postalCode | conditional | string | Postal code of the Beneficial Owner’s permanent residence. US persons must provide a 5-digit ZIP code (e.g., 50314 ). Non-US persons - Optional, but may include alphanumeric postal codes where applicable. |
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
number | conditional | string | Required if Beneficial Owner resides outside of the United States and has no Social Security Number. Must be ≤ 255 characters and contain no special characters [<>="`!?%~${}\] . |
country | conditional | string | Country of issued passport. Two-digit ISO country code (e.g., US for United States, CA for Canada). Must be 2 characters (ISO standard). |
Content-Type: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json
Accept: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json
Authorization: Bearer pBA9fVDBEyYZCEsLf/wKehyh1RTpzjUj5KzIRfDi0wKTii7DqY
"firstName": "document",
"lastName": "owner",
"ssn": "123-46-7890",
"dateOfBirth": "1960-11-30",
"address": {
"address1": "123 Main St.",
"city": "New York",
"stateProvinceRegion": "NY",
"country": "US",
"postalCode": "10005"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
All funds transfers made using the Dwolla Platform are performed by a financial institution partner, and any funds held in a Dwolla Balance are held by a financial institution partner. Learn more about our financial institution partners.