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Overview #

After developing an understanding of Dwolla Connect and the integration requirements, you can start designing and planning your API integration. Before you start on any code to integrate with Dwolla, it’s important to understand the journey to build and go-live with Dwolla Connect. Each journey will look different based on the needs of your business as well as the size of your engineering team. To aid in the integration process, we’ve created an integration checklist which outlines the high level requirements in order to go-live in production.

We recommend reviewing the documentation and including a pre-development task that includes a discussion with the Dwolla team. In this discussion, we’ll learn more about your business, analyze your requirements and help you determine which aspects of Dwolla Connect best fit your use cases.

Ready to schedule that first conversation? Contact our sales team to get started!

Integration Steps #

You’ll follow these steps to ensure a smooth implementation, from getting started and building your integration to going live in production.

Discovery #

Talk with one of our payments experts to determine if your use case(s), funds flow(s), current bank partner and account type are eligible for Dwolla Connect.

Bank Setup #

Reach out to your bank to kick off the setup process that lets you use your commercial bank account with Dwolla Connect. The setup process may involve:

  • Reviewing and agreeing to bank pricing
  • Signing agreements with the bank
  • Going through the bank’s risk review process

We’ll reach out to our contacts at your bank so they’re also aware of your interest in working with Dwolla.

Contract #

Once you’re done with your bank’s setup process, we’ll provide an agreement for you to review and sign.

Account Setup #

Sign up for your Sandbox account and complete a few forms to help us complete your account setup and our due diligence assessment of your business.

Testing #

Build and test your integration in our fully simulated Sandbox environment.

Production #

Once you complete your testing, we’ll activate your production account, and you can launch your integration into our production environment.

Next Steps #

Once you have reviewed the API documentation, you should have a basic understanding of how to use Dwolla Connect. You should be able to perform common tasks to build a proof of concept, such as creating an external party, attaching a funding source, creating a transfer and making basic requests to the API.

  • Read the API Reference documentation. The documentation provides more detailed information about Dwolla Connect’s functionality, including code samples demonstrating specific API calls using Dwolla supported SDKs.
  • Get Started with Postman. Import the Dwolla Connect Postman Collection and start making requests to the Dwolla API.
  • Review sample code. Sample code can be a great way to learn how to use the API or SDKs.
  • Join the developer community. If you’re stuck or have a question that you can’t find an answer to, you can always reach out on the developer forum for help. You can ask questions and get answers from the Dwolla Developer Relations team as well as other developers who are using Connect.
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Financial institutions play an important role in our network.

All funds transfers made using the Dwolla Platform are performed by a financial institution partner, and any funds held in a Dwolla Balance are held by a financial institution partner. Learn more about our financial institution partners.