is available on Nuget with
source code available on our GitHub page. More
information is available on the project's README.
Install-Package Dwolla.Client
Let's list some Customer
var client = DwollaClient.Create(isSandbox: true);
var tokenRes = await client.PostAuthAsync<AppTokenRequest, TokenResponse>(
new Uri($"{client.AuthBaseAddress}/token"),
new AppTokenRequest {Key = "...", Secret = "..."});
var headers = new Headers {{"Authorization", $"Bearer {tokenRes.Content.Token}"}};
var rootRes = (await client.GetAsync<RootResponse>(new Uri(client.ApiBaseAddress), headers)).Content;
var customers = await client.GetAsync<GetCustomersResponse>(rootRes.Links["customers"].Href, headers);
All funds transfers made using the Dwolla Platform are performed by a financial institution partner, and any funds held in a Dwolla Balance are held by a financial institution partner. Learn more about our financial institution partners.