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Retrieve bank balance #

This section covers how to retrieve the current and available amount for a bank account added using Dwolla's Open Banking solution. This feature is designed to help businesses make more informed decisions before initiating ACH transactions, reducing the risk of failed payments due to insufficient funds.

Available and Closing Balance

There are two different amounts returned in the API response when retrieving a balance which correspond to an available and closing balance. Both balances provide important insights for businesses, with the available balance being the most relevant for determining whether there are sufficient funds to initiate an ACH transaction.

Available balance

Available balance is the amount of funds the customer is able to withdraw from the account, not including any credit facility that may be available. This balance includes pending inflows or outflows on the account and is the closest to a real-time balance. It is continuously updated to reflect all the charges/transactions/deposits as they occur. Note: The available balance won't always be returned.

Closing balance

The closing (or booked) balance represents the current balance of the account without factoring in any pending debits or credits. It reflects the settled balance as of the end of the previous business day, providing a snapshot of the funds that have been fully processed.

Last Updated

When calling the balance endpoint on a funding source, either initially or during a refresh, the response will include a lastUpdated parameter with a UTC timestamp. This timestamp indicates the most recent time Dwolla retrieved the balance from the open banking provider. The balance is cached by default and automatically refreshed in the background when the balance status changes, ensuring up-to-date information is available without requiring frequent manual checks.

HTTP request #


Request parameters #

idyesstringA unique identifier representing the funding source for which the balance is being retrieved. This funding source must correspond to an existing and valid funding source that is linked using Dwolla's Open Banking Instant Account Verification solution.

HTTP status and error codes #

HTTP StatusCodeMessageDescription
404NotFoundThe requested resource was not found.The requested bank account could not be found. This may occur if the funding source ID is invalid or if it does not exist in our system. Please verify that the correct funding source ID is being used and try again.
400UnsupportedOperationRetrieving the balance is not supported for this type of funding source.This funding source may not allow balance checks, or it may not be eligible for this operation.
400UnsupportedOperationBalance Check is not supported by your exchange partner.This may occur if your financial institution or Open Banking service provider does not offer balance verification.
400UpdateCredentialsRe-authentication is required in order to access account data. Please initiate the exchange session flow to regain access.Access to bank balance data is interrupted by changes on the bank's end, such as a password update, multi-factor authentication reset, or revoked consent. Initiate the re-auth flow to regain access.
403ForbiddenBalance Check not enabled for this account.Your account does not have the necessary permissions or features activated to perform balance checks.

Request and response #

Accept: application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json
Authorization: Bearer pBA9fVDBEyYZCEsLf/wKehyh1RTpzjUj5KzIRfDi0wKTii7DqY

    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json",
            "resource-type": "balance"
        "funding-source": {
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json",
            "resource-type": "funding-source"
    "available": {
        "value": "542.00",
        "currency": "USD"
    "closing": {
        "value": "542.00",
        "currency": "USD"
    "lastUpdated": "2024-09-09T16:39:14.219Z"
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Financial institutions play an important role in our network.

All funds transfers made using the Dwolla Platform are performed by a financial institution partner, and any funds held in a Dwolla Balance are held by a financial institution partner. Learn more about our financial institution partners.